Other Plants I Care For.

I’ve chosen to remove the green/white nerve plants from, “The Tank”, and place them in a separate plant pot.

I’ve mixed the soil, with some mosquito bits, to be a bit proactive in preventing any fungus gnats laying eggs to hatch into larvae making their way to eating away at the roots.
I’ll see how this works out, because removing my “inch plants”, seems to be a success. I’m hoping for the same with these plants.

I still have a few remnants of the green/white nerve plant in, “The Tank”, while the rest of the nerve plants in there are of the green/red variety.

“The Tank”, is looking more like a jungle, and I may or may not have mentioned this. The nerve plants, both types, some bloodleaf plants, parlor palms, peacock peperomias, string of turtles scattered, and creeping “jennys”, are growing endlessly. Just removing that big set of green/white nerve plants, leaves so much space currently. Not sure if I’m going to fill those spaces with new plants, or allow the rest of the plants to take on those spaces through propagations.

More to come, I guess.

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