
When looking at plant care, you should first understand the type of plants you want to buy and care for. Certain plants will thrive in pretty much any setting, but others will not be so easy to grow and maintain. Most of us find this out the hard way, when buying certain plants they deem to be their favorite, or one they would like to have in their homes.

Some apartments will be in good enough shape, when it comes to temperature and humidity, while others may have their issues with both throughout the year. It’s not just the apartment on the inside, but its overall location can also be a factor.

For example, if your apartment is well above ground level, you may have to deal with dryness at its worst. This will be noticeable to those who especially have dry skin, dry hair, and nosebleeds. Think about many sporting events, where certain areas are referred to as the, “nosebleed” section. They happen to be so high up, you may need binoculars just to see the action. In other words, the higher up you are, for your living space, the drier it will be for you and your plants.

To verify the dryness of your apartment, get a humidity gauge. You have several places where you can find these, and they will be very helpful. Let’s say you get one, from the hardware store for example. These will often show you at what percentage will show how dry it is, what’s seen as normal for humans and some animals, and what’s humid. If it’s very dry, you’ll need a humidifier, and preferable a heavy duty device. Let’s say you get one from a pet store (see hacks). It will show something different, more tailored towards animals like turtles, frogs, and snakes. The readings show three sections, which match similarly to other types of humidity gauges. The dry setting is labeled desert, which is good for those animals that prefer this kind of environment. The normal setting is labeled moderate. The humid setting is labeled tropical.

Depending on what you are looking to get, you have to be aware of how these plants can and will grow. It’s not to say if a plant is tropical, that it won’t thrive in a moderate environment. Often, the tropical humidity will aid in speeding up growth of those types of plants. It will also help with rooting faster, and potentially producing flowers. In fact, there are many plants that will thrive in various environments, and high humidity will aid in making those plants happier, and they aren’t designated as tropical plants.

If your apartment is a certain way, you have to be aware of that, before you purchase plants. The same goes, for being in an area with various seasons. Your plants will adjust accordingly, and often it may not be how you want. Some plants go dormant in late autumn and winter weather, so it’s best to keep them away from open windows during such weather changes. Also, keep the areas warm enough; generally temperatures above 70 degrees will be just fine. Just like with humidity, if you are comfortable with it, your plants will be comfortable with it.

Also, understand this one thing. Drier environments will require plants to be watered more and more often.

As a default, before getting a plant just to get a plant, if you get one, get one from a plant store, and ask about the type of environment that would be best for the plant you will choose. You can do your own research to verify or compare and contrast what’s being said. If you don’t, you may struggle a bit, or altogether, and in the wrong environment, that plant may die.

Now, there are some plants that simply are so fickle, that no matter what you try, it doesn’t want to live. Those types of plants need things to be exactly how it likes it. If that doesn’t happen, it will die very fast, no matter what you do to revive it. You will know why this is, if it happens. In some instances, it’s a case of trial and error for some plants, but for those that are simple, it’s because it is okay with the environments they are in. It may take some acclimation to new residences before they can be anywhere near a window with bright sunlight especially. Some plants do best with indirect sunlight throughout its lifespan, while others will be better in a window with bright and direct sunlight. You have to be aware of that also.

There are many factors needed to care for plants, and the environment is one that’s often not look at properly. Remember humidity/dryness, and direct/indirect sunlight, are factors you need to look at for where you live, and to what plants you want to get. You try to do so, with a random plant, then good luck, you’re gonna need it.

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