Other Types Of Plants That I Care For.

This may be a short journal at this time. Most of the plants I care for, I’ve mentioned previously. One that I didn’t mention, was my experience with the orchid. It’s an interesting plant, where I’ve purchased it, after it has flowered. In a natural setting, they will be this way for the spring and summer months.

The same orchid that I had, all of the flowers, which was four of them, dried up, and all that was left was the stem and the leaves at the bottom.

For those that don’t know about orchids, they can survive without blooming or growing flowers, but also have their leaves continuously grow. I have one that has grown after that, and yes, I did attempt to propagate, unsuccessfully.

Potting the orchid wasn’t hard, but it did take some extra things I didn’t have. Luckily for me, where I bought it, I was gifted some wood chips so that I can use that to give the orchid a good setting to grow. It’s medium included sphagnum moss, those same wood chips I mentioned (some use cedar, and maybe that’s what I have, but I’m not going into detail with this), and some rocks at the bottom (optional). I give them enough water, and have them by a South facing window which gives lots of sunlight throughout the year, and there we go.

I only recently repotted and relocated the orchid to be under a grow light, to see if the results would change. Since I just put it there, prior to writing this journal, I can’t supply an update until enough time has passed.

Hopefully when that happens I will have some flowers blooming, and better growth in its new pot.

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